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Get you a Chinese name and beautiful handwritten signature

4.0 ( 9980 ratings )
Životní styl Zábava
Vývojář: Sensky Ltd.

Ever wanted to get a Chinese name? Now you can have a great Chinese name from your iPhone, and get a fantastic 100% handwritten signature of your Chinese name.

Simply enter your name, and you will get a well pronounced, unique Chinese name. You can also learn how to read your Chinese name.

If you want to learn how to write your Chinese name beautifully, you can choose from seven different types of handwritten signature, and find your favorite one. The design is perfectly prepared and its handwritten just for you.

Please note: the name generation is 100% free, and if you want the signature, you need to use in app purchase. And thanks for the reviews, we will also add signature preview in the next version for your convinence.

Just one $0.99 purchase, youll get seven different types of signature!

Get it now!